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Affiliation with ICE


ICE Affiliates are signatory contractors and associations who contribute three cents per bricklayer and apprentice hour to ICE.


Collective Bargaining Agreement

The ultimate aim and best way to equitably fund ICE is through collective bargaining agreements.  All local signatory bargaining committees are encouraged to include ICE contributions in their local agreements.  A boilerplate clause can be downloaded by clicking here.


Individual Contractors

Please download the membership application and email the completed form to ICE at


Established local signatory contractors associations

Begin the affiliation process by submitting a letter from the President of the local association stating the intent of the association to affiliate with ICE, along with copies of the local association’s Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.  A boilerplate letter can be downloaded by clicking here.


New Local Associations

Local contractor groups who wish to form a local association and become an ICE Affiliate can also make use of the forms below to establish the association.  For assistance, please email Matt Aquiline.


Boilerplate Association Articles of Incorporation

Boilerplate Association By-Laws

Boilerplate Bargaining Authorization


(State laws vary, so documents should be reviewed by local counsel before being adopted at the local associatoin’s initial meeting.) 

Contact Us

Matthew S. Aquiline

Chief Executive Officer


1306 Lancaster Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15218



Telephone : â€‹202-210-6069

Email :


International Council of Employers of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers

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